The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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367 lines
ReadMe for UniTerm V2.0c 016 <-|
---------------------------- |
5.5.88 |This number is displayed on the
'About UniTerm...' dialog box and
indicates the "Edit Number"
Changes 2.0b to 2.0c
General: A lot of the oldest code in UniTerm has been redone. Some things
should be even faster now.
The 20ATO20C.TOS program will convert 2.0a/2.0b setup files
to 2.0c format, remote commands will be disabled, clipboard
size set to 2kB and NRC to ASCII (turned off).
The delay time parameter now additionaly affects:
start/end of transfer strings in ASCII file upload
the dialer
macro processor send command
single-line editor.
Keys moved: View History buffer (NEW!): <Alternate><V>
History Control: <Alternate><S>
Mouse cursor control now uses a double click with the
left button.
UniTerm will no longer let you exit from the `Help' menu
if you still have desk accessory windows open. The deeper
reason for this is a AES deficiency.
Terminal Emulation:
NRC character sets implemented, they will naturally be
slower than the straight ASCII mode (the Dutch and
Portugese sets are not completly implemented).
I'm too lazy to list the corresponding escape sequences,
will be in the manual.
NRC mode can also be set in the 'Terminal 2' dialog,
selecting [ASCII] just turns NRC mode off, selecting
one off the NRC sets, map the set into G0 and G0 into GL.
*Macro processor: COMPLETLY NEW!*
The two modi (function key - macro file) are now more different, the %
command introducer is now only needed (and allowed!) on the function keys.
No more absolute line numbers (labels instead), additional integer and
string variables.
No more boolean constants, use 0 and 1 intstead (for FALSE / TRUE)
Commands are no longer case sensitive.
Common features:
Built-in functions:
add(int1,int2) returns sum of int1 and int2.
and(int1,int2) returns logical 'and' of int1 and int2.
assert() asserts DTR.
break(len,drop-dtr) send a break for len mS, drop DTR if
if drop-dtr is true (<>0).
concat(str1,str2) concatenate str1 and str2 and return
the result in $TEMP.
copy(nr,str) copy str into string variable nr (1 to 10).
compare(str1,str2) compare str1 to str2, return true if equal.
drop() drop DTR.
dial(nr) dial number nr (1 to 10), returns true if
echo(str) echo str to the screen.
show a fileselector with path, filename and
a prompt, returns true if [OK] is selected,
$PATH and $FILENAME hold the values the user
get(instr,time) wait for string instr, timeout after time
seconds, returns true if sucessful.
hangup() hangup the modem.
history(mode) turn history saving on/off (1/0 for mode)
inline(mode) reads a line from the keyboard (until <Return>
is pressed or a maximum of 80 characters are
read (^C aborts)), if mode is true the characters
are echoed, the line is returned in $TEMP.
input(prompt) prompt for a line of input, result is in $TEMP,
returns true if [OK] is selected.
start Kermit filetransfer with:
mode (string): 'SEND', 'REC' or 'GET'
8-bit-mode: 1=true,0=false
filespec: string with wildcards.
loadsetup(name) load a setup file.
loadtel(name) load a dialer setup file
message(str) display str on the statusline, '' restores
the normal statusline.
macro(name) execute macro file, returns value of exit
function or:
-3 : syntax error (line in $TEMP)
-2 : not enough stack (macro files nested
more than one level)
-1 : macro buffer full (max. 4096 bytes).
or(int1,int2) return logical 'or' of int1 and int2.
path(str) set GEMDOS path to str.
redefine a popup menu entry
run a program, returns the return code
(negativ numbers display an alert box)
reassign the function of a 'Alt' key.
suspend() displays 'Press any key...' and waits
for a keypress.
send(str) sends str.
set(nr,int) sets integer variable nr (1 to 10) to int.
wait(int) wait for int mS * 100
unicommand(nr) execute a UniTerm internal command.
xmodem(mode,file) start xmodem with:
mode: 'SEND' or 'REC'
start ymodem with:
mode: 'SEND' or 'REC'
Prefix operators (work only before arguments):
- negate integer value
! logical not
" return integer as string
. return string as integer
(. and " don't know about negative integers!)
String constants
Enclosed in single quotes, escape character '\', every character
after '\' equals itsself except:
r : \r is carrige return (ASCII 13)
n : \n is newline (ASCII 10)
0xx : \0xx is the octal ASCII value 0xx
Predefined string variables:
$T ($TEMP) : used for return values of some built-in functions
$F ($FILENAME) : see fileselector command
$P ($PATH) : "
$C ($CURRENT) : current GEMDOS path
$V ($VAR) : contains the address of UniTerm's parameter block
String variables:
$1 to $10 max. 80 characters
Integer variables:
@1 to @10 signed 16 bit value
Additional features in macro file mode:
:1 to :20 (must be first and only word on a line!)
A line starting with # is ignored on input.
Additional statements
if(int) execute the rest of the line if int is <> 0
jump(nr) goto label number nr
exit(int) stop processing and return with value int
call(nr) execute subroutine at label nr (subroutines can't be
return() return from subroutine
* History buffer viewing *
Needs at least 25kB of reserved system memory.
Start with <Alternate><V>.